Money Makers Boot Camp

Do you think you have the money skills to comfortably leave your job or business today?

Most people don’t know how to budget, forecast, and save with less money, which puts them on a financial tightrope that they don’t know how to walk.

But when you have the correct information, support, and plan with the Money Makers Boot Camp, you’ll be able to use your rewired money brain to make more money and spend without fear or worry holding you back. And build the bridge to your dream

This boot camp is for dream builders and action takers like you who know how to make money but have never learned how to manage the stress, panic, and chaos that come with their paycheck

Your money-making skills are up and down, and your ability to financially forecast where you want to be a year or five years from now is crippled because you keep staring at what’s in your bank account today, and you are unsure of your next steps

Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur who’s experienced a recent loss:a divorce, a death in the family, or the loss of a significant big-ticket client or contract.

Coming to work is more complicated; you’re losing revenue and may have been in therapy, but it’s not helping you handle the whirlwind of emotions you feel around your money.  

You are on the road to a comfortable retirement, but that date keeps getting pushed back because you know your broken money skills and poor financial decisions have left you wide open to retiring at age 80. 

You wake up and realize that working ten or more hours at your desk or home office is no longer fulfilling or worthwhile. Your best days and hours have been conquered for someone else’s dream. And it’s time you start living your dream. 

You don’t have a personal life, and you resent the life you do have because it’s not where you thought you would be. Your physical and emotional health is also showing wear and tear. 

The bad news is that nobody ever taught you the skills you desperately needed to learn about money. They never knew how.

The good news? You don’t have to stay this way, and you can learn the skills you need with this boot camp.

My one-of-a-kind money boot camp combines never-before tactics for a unique and immersive experience – safe to say, you won’t find another program like this elsewhere.

This isn’t career counseling, where I give you an assessment, help you apply for programs, and MAYBE set you up with a job search and interview training…

All for a slim chance at a dream offer in this economy.

It also isn’t career coaching, where I show you how to job hunt, kiss up to hiring managers, and re-engineer your resume to make you look like something you’re not.

It’s also not run by a CFP who only examines what you need to do to manage your money correctly…

But can’t help you rewire your money brain so that it becomes second nature instead of something that takes an unbearable amount of discipline.

Other money coaches can also show you some simple tactics to help you treat your money mindset problems. But unless they can help you tap into your deeply-rooted patterns and behavior around money, they’re just giving you a band-aid fix that’ll reset all your hard work within 3 months.

And most mental health professionals aren’t treating the symptoms of money problems or getting into the root cause. They also can’t show you how to move forward and navigate your financial future by fixing what is financially broken. 

So what do I actually do?

I help folks rewire their money brain for 15 minutes daily for 90 days. 

And the reason why my methodology works is because I take a deep dive into your money brain.

Most people don’t know they have one, let alone how it works. But your money brain lives on the right side of your brain, and even though people think of that side as the logical, analytical side…

What they don’t know is that your money brain can also be very emotional when it comes to your relationship with money.

Those emotions and how your money brain sees money are why you keep getting stuck after spinning your wheels month after month.


But when you work with me:

You’ll sleep better at night.
You’ll fight less with your friends, family, and colleagues.
You’ll have more physical and mental energy to create solutions.
You’ll have more money in your pocket in 30 days.
The annoying habits you have about your money will dissolve. (Like worrying about how much money you have)
You Can Begin to Forecast Your Next Steps Financially.

If you’re the kind of person doing a lot of inner work and are ready to confront the parts holding you back, this boot camp will be your next step.

Here’s what else you can expect with the Money Makers Bootcamp.

Automatically and profitably control your money habits with the mental fitness model that’s helped hundreds of clients.

When you’re busy juggling the demands of a career and a home life, it’s easy to start losing track of healthy money habits. Maybe you’re looking for a better solution than “just cut the avocado toast out,” and you just don’t know where to start. When you join the Money Bootcamp Revolution, you’ll get the answers, strategies, and skills you need to activate the moneymaker in you like it did for my other clients.

Discover how other working people like you achieve and maintain financial prosperity without working themselves to the bone.

Financial prosperity used to be a pipe dream for my clients before they learned how their money game actually works, and it’s never something they can find answers for from a CFP or an accountant. Millionaires and Billionaires struggle with money drama and must talk to their financial team. Warren Buffet spends millions on certain minds to look for the best money-making opportunities. If his stocks don’t move the way he can profit- he sells. He still makes money because he knows his risk tolerance and ability to take a risk.  Most people do not.

What to expect

The Money Makers Bootcamp comes in 4 phases, and it’s all accessible through your smartphone.

Each phase handles a part of your money brain that you were forced to ignore because life happened or school never delved into it.

By the end of the 4 phases, you’ll come out with a fitter, stronger moneymaking brain that can help you maneuver around just about any financial crisis.

Customized spending analysis

Are you spending more money than you can afford? Unfortunately, most people never track their expenses, so they’re always in the dark about how much they’re spending.  When you rewire your money brain, you become conscious of those hidden scarcity money programs you run that tell you investing in yourself isn’t a guarantee. So don’t do it.

It’s seeing a pile of money and not fearing if you blow it, there won’t be enough to cover you and your family.You can reap the benefits by understanding where your money goes and how it’s being spent. Our customized spending plan analyzes your expenses through a lens of clarity and further identifies high-amount items that are needlessly plunging your savings.

Uncovering Why Your Money Skills Aren’t Working For You

Everyone starts from somewhere, and that’s precisely why it’s essential to stay humble, no matter how much you make. Staying true to your roots has impressive effects and reminds you why you must choose better money management options. 

Most people who start making money tend to overspend financially, effectively shooting themselves in the foot. That’s where the money biography comes in – it expands your mental horizon, keeping you grounded no matter how affluent you become so you’re never spending more money than you make.

Your Golden Compass

Design a clear-cut pathway for where you want to be regarding your overall income. This includes the money you earn from a business, a job, a side hustle, or even a combination of different sources. Instead of relying on estimations, you will identify how far you’ve come along since the start of your journey and how far you wish to go. 

Not only does your personalized roadmap provide greater insight, but it outlines the steps you must take to reach your ultimate goal. At the same time, you’ll be better prepared for the challenges in your path and, thus, equipped to overcome them as confidentially as possible.

Design, customize, and utilize your sage money skills

In the last phase of this boot camp, you’ll get to put everything you’ve learned to the test. This stage is about making implementation, adjustment, and customization simple, effective, and force of habit. By applying your skills to specific situations, you can avail yourself of financial opportunities that were previously hidden.

Now, you can make financial decisions with your new money brain. You will have the energy, clarity, and knowledge to navigate your financial conundrums.

Here’s how the boot camp is broken down.

Week 1

Learn Your Self-Command Muscle

Delve into the deepest parts of your brain through a 15-second incremental regime that makes the shift from survival to thriving mode possible, and turn on the part of your brain that helps you succeed financially, mentally, and emotionally with proven goal-setting strategies and a new perspective on your relationship with your money.

Week 2-3

Develop your Saboteur Interceptor Muscle

Trace your first steps in money mapping, get to know what’s stopping you from succeeding, identify thought patterns that lead to self-sabotage, and more. With simple money psychology exercises that allow you to know why and how your money skills aren’t where you want them to be, we’ll help you formulate an effective mindset for future decision-making that keeps moving you forward instead of putting you in a loop.

Week 4-6

Practice Your Sage Muscle: Your Winning Money Power

Your parent’s spending/saving behaviors can be a great starting point for determining your relationship with money. You’ll discover whether you learned your money habits by honing your sage muscle by modeling your parents… or doing the opposite. After completing a money biography and learning how to access your winning money power at will, you can tap into the sage perspective to solve any problem. 

As you keep honing this newly formed skillset, you’ll automatically become more empathic, innovative, and keen to explore and navigate to a future you want, even if it looks clear as mud right now.

Week 7-8

Design and complete your golden compass to financial freedom

Don’t let fear and old habits keep you trapped in a pattern. Take a step forward, accurately check your current position, and chart a course to the life you’ve told yourself you couldn’t have because you lacked the money skills, cash, and security of a brighter, more transparent future.

Week 9-10

Develop & Implement Your Winning Money Power

Stop relying on guarantees and validation from external sources when you’re all the reassurance you need. By harnessing your sage money power, you can almost magically follow your plan to the letter and make your life happen for you instead of waiting for your next golden opportunity.

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